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Book Review Mini-Critique
Title: Addiction Logic
Subtitle: Treating the Cause, Not the Symptom
Author: Rick Breitweiser
Genre: Non-Fiction - Education
Below you will find ratings (scale of 1-5) with general descriptions for the major parts of your book followed by your Readers' Favorite review. Although this is just a Mini-Critique, we hope it will give you an insight into how readers may view the different components of your book. These are the opinions of your reviewer, and although they are not a literary professional, they are an avid reader of books just like yours.
Appearance: 5
The appearance of a book can make a significant impact on the experience of a reader, whose enjoyment is often enhanced by an enticing cover, an intriguing table of contents, interesting chapter headings, and when possible, eye-catching illustrations.
Plot: 5
The characters of a book should be well defined with strengths and flaws, and while they do not have to be likable, the reader does have to be able to form a connection with them. The tone should be consistent, the theme should be clear, and the plot should be original or told from a unique perspective. For informative books -- those without plot and characters--this rating refers primarily to your concept and how well you presented it.
Development: 5
Development refers to how effectively you told your story or discussed your topic. The dialogue should be realistic, the descriptions should be vivid, and the material should be concise and coherent. Organization is also a key factor, especially for informative books -- those without plot and characters. The order in which you tell your story or explain your topic and how smoothly it flows can have a huge impact on the reader's understanding and enjoyment of the material.
Formatting: 5
Formatting is the single most overlooked area by authors. The way in which you describe scenes, display dialogue, and shift point of view can make or break your story. In addition, excessive grammatical errors and typos can give your book an amateurish feel and even put off readers completely.
Marketability: 5
Marketability refers to how effectively you wrote your book for your target audience. Authors may include content that is above or below the understanding of their target reader, or include concepts, opinions or language that can accidentally confuse or alienate some readers. Although by its nature this rating is very subjective, a very low rating here and poor reviews may indicate an issue with your book in this area.
Overall Opinion: 5
The overall starred rating takes into account all these elements and describes the overall reading experience of your reviewer. This is 5 the official Readers' Favorite review rating for your book.
Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite
In Addiction Logic: Treating the Cause, Not the Symptom by Rick Breitweiser, addiction is characterized as a chronic medical condition involving uncontrollable substance abuse or behavior despite negative consequences. He discusses the disorder arising from genetic predispositions, traumatic experiences, mental health issues, and the brain's reward system, which amplifies dopamine and craving. He discusses that addiction can occur with substances like opioids, stimulants, and even less severe items like caffeine or sugar, as well as compulsive behaviors such as gambling or social media use. He states that effective treatment involves recognizing addiction's deeper emotional and psychological roots, using tailored recovery strategies, and incorporating community support. Breitweiser covers how recovery requires ongoing personal effort, including adherence to recovery principles, self-awareness, and maintaining supportive relationships, with a focus on both immediate sobriety and long-term emotional health.
"Everyone knows someone who is addicted to something. A family member, a relative, a friend, a co-worker, or perhaps you, the reader.” Rick Breitweiser’s Addiction Logic does well in its examination of addiction, with exhaustive research and a wealth of knowledge. I appreciated that Breitweiser draws from scientific studies and credible sources, and builds on a solid foundation of reliability and authority. Better still, he challenges readers to engage critically with their own perceptions of addiction and recovery, championing the importance of self-awareness and personal growth. The standout chapter for me is his discussion of a positive mental shift, or "psychic change," which aligns with spiritual awakening and encourages a transformative approach to recovery. Addiction tends to deal so much with science, and it's refreshing to see the metaphysical aspects. Accessible and eloquently written, this work provides thoughtful, practical insights for those affected by addiction, making it an invaluable resource for both individuals and professionals in the field.
Addiction Logic review
Well, I went into this read not having any addictions but I learned so much more than I expected. Let's just say that most of us have obsessions. Those obsessions can lead to addictions of all kinds and without even understanding how this could happen, There are lists of things to obsess here, it's hard not to fit oneself into something. Then, you're hooked to find out how it all applies to yourself and the mechanisms of addiction. It's a deep read but simply laid out with examples, lists and summaries of key points at the end of each chapter.
Finding a place in this book to pause is a real plus., Chapters are concise and on point sticking narrowly to a topic without being verbose. Readers will appreciate that very much.
Whether you have an addiction or not, this book makes you feel like it is for you. What comes through strong is the sincerity of the author from apparent personal experience and the ability to communicate that to the reader. This is not just anecdotal however, there is strong reference to the science of addiction without the jargon.
The book cover design is outstanding and catchy, It makes you want to flip through it for a preview. Something will surely catch your eye flipping through the pages. Reading it...vill not disappoint either. It's like sitting and having a casual chat with the author who just gets this topic without a pushy attitude! Somehow, the book is a fun read for such a serious topic. Kudos to the author on that, too.
- Michael K
November 15th 2024
Rick’s exploration of addiction science and psychology is nothing short of remarkable. You can feel his genuine desire to help those who are suffering, and that passion shines through. I have to commend him for achieving six years of sobriety—what an incredible milestone! It speaks volumes about his dedication to recovery and the hard work he's put in. His courage to share his personal story adds meaning to his message, creating a bond with readers that is relatable. The concise explanations throughout the book offer a sharp insight into the various facets of addiction, and the chapters are thoughtfully structured, emphasizing vital themes like self-awareness, emotional regulation, and personal responsibility.
In The Books
I was encouraged by many to write my first book, I Didn't Ask To Be Me. But who am I, and who would care to know about me? I do know a lot of people, though. I've had an interesting and exciting life, but it never seemed enough—unless I could find a way to write about everyone all at once. That's it: we're all the same, yet different in the lives we've led.
Through my association with a recovery group for people with addiction, I can write about my experiences in that area and all the people I have met who struggle with alcoholism.
My next book focused on what I do best: sales and self-promotion. Titled Sales and Selling Yourself, it examines the art of selling yourself as a way to succeed in any endeavor. Whatever you're selling, you are the constant—the product or person people have to buy into before they invest in anything else.
It usually takes me a year to write and produce a fully edited, print-ready book. While the current book is in the editing stages, I start working on the next one. For my third book, I decided to undertake a comprehensive study of addiction. As a diligent student and researcher, I aimed to create a work that goes beyond alcohol use disorder (AUD) and substance use disorders (SUD).
Two and a half years later, with twice as many pages as my previous books, I released Addiction Logic in May 2024. This book is written in simple language and is intended for anyone dealing with a passion, routine, habit, obsession, or addiction—experiences shared by many.
You guessed it, I am six months and thirteen chapters into The Proof is in the Pudding. You’ll have to find out for yourself later this year!
Published Books
Coming Soon
My Story
When I was young, I told my mother I was going to be a dentist. But how was that to be when all I was was a “dreamer,” and one who could never stay focused? And if I practiced, I was easily distracted. Well, my tentativeness won out, and I went into sales.
One of my greatest gifts is human intuition, being able to read people and understand their needs and desires without cards, a “spirit board,” or a glass ball. After all, it played a big part in becoming an industry's top salesman and multiple business owner.
In my case, the uncertainty of life’s paths has led me into authorship. So when I got down to writing my books, I drew from what I learned about myself and life that would be the most useful to others in their personal lives. Effortlessly, I fashioned writings that were real, relatable, and entertaining... as if we are before each other in conversation.
But what I really have is experience and an unending desire to “get” everything. I must fully understand the inner workings of anything to be versed enough to convey a logical accurate message. In my style of writing, you can expect excerpts like this: “I can only be everything I was created to be.” If I realize this as much, my creator will be witness to one of happiness and peace of mind.
All I can wish for is that my books are useful to everyone who reads them.
Published April 2024
This book offers scientific explanations and logical insights for recovery from addiction: from habits and hobbies to routines and regimens, and from obsessions to compulsive behaviors. The book promotes using logic, common sense, and psychology to understand and manage addictive behaviors, recognizing that everyone is human first.
Rick B.
Coming Late 2024
The phrase “the proof is in the pudding” suggests that the best way to determine the truth in something is through first-hand experience, hence actually “tasting the pudding.”
However, I must challenge this belief by highlighting that individual perspectives can be subjective. The world often depends on collaboration and different viewpoints to establish what is accepted as truth. I emphasize the importance of not assuming one’s truth as the only truth and the need for collective understanding from various sources of information and teachings. This book outlines the many ways to understand what you accept as truthful.
Rick B.
In The Press
Bestselling Author Rick Breitweiser Launches Two Life-Changing Books on Sales, Personal Growth, and Addiction Recovery
Uncover the secrets to sales success and a more fulfilling life through self-awareness and spiritual growth.
Date: May 19, 2023
Tampa, Florida - Renowned author Rick Breitweiser is thrilled to announce the release of two groundbreaking books, "Sales and Selling Yourself: If you can make someone laugh, they can be yours" and "I Didn't Ask to Be Me: Psychological, Spiritual, & Sober," alongside his upcoming book, "Addiction Logic - Treating the cause, not the symptom."
In "Sales And Selling Yourself," Rick Breitweiser provides valuable insights into self-improvement and relationship-building, emphasizing the significance of self-awareness and personal growth in achieving sales success. As a top sales professional in his industry, Rick shares his experiences and expertise to help readers establish stronger relationships and ultimately lead happier lives.
"I Didn't Ask to Be Me" serves as a practical guide for individuals struggling with addiction and anyone else seeking personal growth. This book offers strategies to become more productive and content by blending logic, an understanding of human nature, and spiritual awareness. Drawing from Rick's personal experiences and his involvement in a 12-step program, this book promises to be an indispensable resource for those seeking a fresh perspective on addiction recovery.
The upcoming book, "Addiction Logic," delves into a fresh and logical approach to sobriety and recovery, focusing on addressing the root cause rather than the symptoms of addiction. Based on Rick's experiences and insights from various recovery sources, this book provides readers with a unique and practical approach to overcoming addiction.
To learn more about Rick Breitweiser and his books, please visit or follow him on social media: Rick Breitweiser on Facebook, and breitweiserrick on Instagram.